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Showing results 40 to 50
  • seal_of_excellence

    Seal of Excellence to H2020 proposals worthy of funding

    EURAXESS is proud to present the "Seal of Excellence" quality award by the European Commission! It is given to project proposals submitted for funding under Horizon 2020, which passed the threshold criteria but could not be funded under the available Call budget. The "Seal of Excellence" identifies...
  • eesti_baasmoodul_credits_mari-liis_viirsalu_alati_nimetada_2

    Settle in Estonia courses opening for all new arrivals

      Settle in Estonia Basic module courses will start on 5 September in Tallinn (both in English and in Russian) and on 12 September in Narva (RU) and Tartu (EN). The courses are meant for all new arrivals (foreigners with a residence permit, arrived in Estonia during the last five years) and give...
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    Settle in Estonia training for international researchers 1 Dec

    Foreign scientists and researchers are invited to join a training seminar on practical issues about conducting research in Estonia. Time: December 1 (Saturday) at 10:00-15:00 Place: Tartu (more information is sent to registered participants) The following topics will be covered: Residence...
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    Survey results - Researchers' Mobility in the Baltic Sea Region

    The Baltic Science Network (BSN) has recently published results of several surveys regarding researcher's mobility and collaboration in the Baltic Sea region. Have a look at Challenges to Researchers' Mobility in the Baltic Sea Region International Mobility of Researchers in the Baltic Sea...
  • FUNDING word on wood blocks concept

    The call for PUT grant applications open from 1 March

      The call for PUT grant applications (postdoctoral, start-up, and team grant) opens this Sunday, on 1 March 2020 and closes at 17:00 (Estonian time) on 31 March 2020. The deadline at your institution, however, could also be earlier. All the relevant materials regarding the call are now also...
  • est_netw

    The EURAXESS portal has been revamped

    The EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion portal has been redesigned and restructured. The revamped EURAXESS central EU portal was launched November 2016 and the revamped EURAXESS Estonia portal was launched in March 2017. The EURAXESS portal provides researchers with practical information on mobility...
  • pexels-adriaan-greyling-754268

    The meaning of Christmas in the old Estonian tradition

    The day marking the beginning of ‘jõulud’ (Christmas), also called Winter Holidays, in Estonian tradition is 21st of December – Toomapäev – when big cleaning bees start. In the morning of 21st one should get up as early as possible, thoroughly clean their home and start making other preparations for...
  • plant_growing_skills_opportunities

    Two new organisations join EE Network

    Tartu Observatoorium ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia liitusid mobiilsete teadlaste toetusvõrgustikuga EURAXESS 27.05.2015 Tänavu mais liitusid EURAXESSi võrgustikuga Tartu Observatoorium ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, suurendades Euroopa mobiilseid teadlasi toetava võrgustiku Eesti liikmeskonda üheksani...
  • 130320_eriolukorra_plakat_5577_ing_kuj_ii

    Useful information about COVID-19 related emergency situation in Estonia

      In order to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Estonian government has declared an emergency situation which is likely to remain in place until May 1. Here we collect for you the most important information and links to sources providing the official information and virus related...