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NEWS25 Aug 2020News

Settle in Estonia courses opening for all new arrivals



Settle in Estonia Basic module courses will start on 5 September in Tallinn (both in English and in Russian) and on 12 September in Narva (RU) and Tartu (EN).

The courses are meant for all new arrivals (foreigners with a residence permit, arrived in Estonia during the last five years) and give basic knowledge about the core values and functioning principles of the Estonian state, rights and obligations of its residents, as well as daily life and cultural environment.

Besides the information on the Estonian ID card/residence card and state e-services, it also gives overview of the support services and e.g. how to participate in civil society. The most common features of Estonian culture and personality traits of Estonians will be discussed, too!

The calendar and registration are available at

The Settle in Estonia Programme is a free educational programme provided by the Estonian state. The programme comprises various training courses to give an overview of how the state of Estonia and its society function and how daily life is organised. There are separate training modules also for subjects like studying, doing research, family life, children and teenagers, work and entrepreneurship as well as Estonian language. See more here:


For further questions about the program, the contacts can be found here.

If you have any more questions related to your relocation, please contact us at EURAXESS Estonia (based in Estonian Research Council):


News photo credits: Mari-Liis Viirsalu