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Living in EuropeHealth insurance, Medical careEstonia

Social Security & Health Insurance in Estonia


The Estonian health-care system is organised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and is built on solidarity-based health financing, a well-equipped infrastructure for primary care based on family physicians, nurses and modern hospital services.
The Estonian health-care system might be somewhat differently organised compared to the health-care system of your home country. On the tabs below you can find more information about arranging your health insurance and medical care in Estonia. For first, to make sure you are well informed on all the procedures, we have compiled a checklist of things you need to know/do before and upon arrival in Estonia.


Social Security checklist

Before leaving for Estonia, please go through the social security and health care checklist: answer the following questions and read the comments below. You have to bear this information in mind while arranging your social security in Estonia.


1) I work in which countries:

a. Only in Estonia

b. In several EU/EFTA member states

If the answer is that you work in several member states, please turn to the social insurance institution in your country of residence in order to have your competent country determined. After you have received the A1 certificate from your competent country, please show it to the employers in any other country, so that they know to which country they should pay your social security contributions. The competent social security institution in Estonia is the Social Insurance Board. Please check also the list of social security institutions in Europe.


2) Do you have health insurance in any other EU member state besides Estonia?

a. Yes

b. No

If the answer is yes and you work in several EU member states, please have your competent country determined (see the comment to question 1) and make sure that you have health insurance only in the competent country. If you work in Estonia only, please make sure that your health insurance in any other EU member state is terminated.


3) In which member state is your permanent residence?


4) If your country of residence is outside Estonia, how often do you return to your home?

a. At least once every week

b. Less often than once a week

If your country of residence is different from your competent country, then, in certain circumstances, you might have the right for form S1 (the certificate of entitlement to sickness insurance benefits in kind for persons residing in a country other than the competent country) from your competent country. Please turn to Estonian Health Insurance Fund for more information.


5) Do you have any family members in other EU countries?

a. Spouse

b. Partner

c. Children

If you are insured in Estonia and your children, spouse/partner live in another EU member state then you may be entitled to family benefits from Estonia. Please contact Estonian Social Insurance Board for further consultation.


6) Does your spouse/parent of your children work in another EU member state?

a. Yes

b. No

The information about employment is important for the calculation of family benefits.


7) Do you have family members who live in another EU member state and need health insurance?

a. Yes

b. No

If you are insured in Estonia and your dependant family members live in another EU member state then the family members, in case they do not have an individual right for health insurance, might have the right to be insured through you. For that you need form S1 from the Estonian Health Insurance Fund. Please contact Estonian Health Insurance Fund for consultation.


We would recommend you to hand the checklist over to the personnel office of your work place and/or get a consultation in one of the Service Centres of EURAXESS network in Estonia.


See also:

Family and parental benefits




See also:

European Union portal - Useful forms for social security rights

Social Insurance Board - Applying for A1

Work in Estonia - Social care

Work in Estonia - For employers, Taxation obligations

Work in Estonia - For employers, Social security matters

Medical care in Estonia