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  • nemailla

    Interview with Nemailla Bonturi from Brazil

    This mini-interview was first published in the EURAXESS Worldwide Brazil newsletter in Focus on Estonia article in March 2017. Read full issue here. 1. How did you hear about Estonia and why did you decide to work in Estonia? To be honest I didn´t knew much or had Estonia in my plans while I was...
  • shuai_li

    Interview with Shuai Li from China

    This mini-interview was first published in the EURAXESS Worldwide China newsletter in Focus on Estonia article in March 2017. Read full issue here. Shuai Li is a PhD student of Plant Physiology at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. 1. How did you hear about Estonia and why did you decide to...
  • kyle

    Interview with Kyle Mokma from USA

    This mini-interview was first published in the EURAXESS Worldwide North America newsletter in Focus on Estonia article in March 2017. Read full issue here. 1. How did you get the job in Estonia and why did you decide to work in Estonia? I am interested in research in behavioral systems analysis. I...
  • euraxess_png

    EURAXESS Estonia Newsletter March 2017

      EURAXESS Estonia Newsletter March 2017 is published! Many calls for research support are currently opened. Read more about them and see research related news in Estonia! read newsletter     The focus of this newsletter is primarly aimed for researchers currently in Estonia. It is also...
  • welcprog

    Crash course about Research in Estonia MARCH 2017

    The Estonian Research Council cordially invites all newly arrived researchers, lecturers, students and other new arrivals to take part in the research module of the welcoming programme. Our intensive training is meant to help you to settle in quickly and efficiently, ad to give you important...
  • ppa_cent_pms_2016

    Amendments to the Aliens act 2017 (in Eng and Est)

    Changes of the Estonian Aliens Law as of January 17 and 18 in 2017.   Siseministeeriumi ja Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti koostöös valminud Välismaalaste seaduse uus muudatuste pakett jõustus 17. ja 18. jaanuaril 2017 a.   Muudatuste eesmärgiks on soodustada ja lihtsustada nutikate ja ettevõtlike...
  • euraxess_png

    EURAXESS Estonia Newsletter January 2017

      EURAXESS Estonia Newsletter January 2017 is published! Find several calls for research funding and selected research related news in Estonia. read newsletter   The focus of this newsletter is primarly aimed for researchers currently in Estonia. It is also interesting for those who are  about...
  • plant_growing_skills_opportunities

    Two new organisations join EE Network

    Tartu Observatoorium ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia liitusid mobiilsete teadlaste toetusvõrgustikuga EURAXESS 27.05.2015 Tänavu mais liitusid EURAXESSi võrgustikuga Tartu Observatoorium ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, suurendades Euroopa mobiilseid teadlasi toetava võrgustiku Eesti liikmeskonda üheksani...
  • hr_logo_270

    Eesti välisteadlased kogunevad talgutele Maarja külla

    Laupäeval, 28. mail tulevad Eesti teadusasutustes töötavad välisteadlased koos peredega kokku traditsioonilistele talgutele. Eesti EURAXESSi võrgustiku eestvõttel ollakse seekord abiks Põlvamaal Maarja küla kevadtöödel. Maarja külas elavad intellektipuudega täiskasvanud, kes oma igapäevaelu...
  • laura_siragusa

    Interview with Laura Siragusa

    Laura Siragusa, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Tartu I have been working as a researcher in Social Anthropology at the University of Tartu since January 2013. I love my job and colleagues here. I have been rather active since my arrival with the possibility to focus on my research...