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NEWS1 Apr 2017Meet the researchers

Interview with Nemailla Bonturi from Brazil


This mini-interview was first published in the EURAXESS Worldwide Brazil newsletter in Focus on Estonia article in March 2017. Read full issue here.

1. How did you hear about Estonia and why did you decide to work in Estonia?

To be honest I didnĀ“t knew much or had Estonia in my plans while I was looking for a job last year. On May 2016 I saw on EURAXESS an open position as a Researcher in Microbial Cell Factories at the Univeristy of Tartu in Estonia. The job description matched perfectly my field of activity and interests, which led me to look further into Estonia. By doing so I was amazed by its old and rich history, by how fast this country have developed in the last decades, the quality of life here, and by the prestige of such University (top 2% in the world best universities). After that it was easy to accept the position here when it was offered to me.

2. Name three characteristic things about research work in Estonia or about Estonia in general.

In my opinion the main characteristics of doing research in Estonia are: investments, ambitious goals, and the recognition of the importance of the work of a scientist.

3. A message to anyone who is considering research work with Estonian partners or moving to Estonia for work.

First of all, it is not that cold! Second, I think Estonia is putting a lot of effort into internacionalization and to welcome foreigners, which is much better than building walls. I hope you can join me in this delightful challenge of living and working here.