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NEWS4 Jan 2018News

Mobilitas Pluss mobility funding deadline 30 Jan 2018


Postdoctoral and returning researcher grants are the two types of funding offered through the current call in the Mobilitas Pluss programme.

The call was opened on 1 January and will close on 31 January 2018. Application is successfully submitted when it is confirmed by the host institution.


Mobilitas Pluss postdoctoral grant – support for researchers coming to Estonia to carry out their postdoctoral research projects. The support is aimed at researchers who have defended their doctoral degree abroad.


Returning researcher grant – support for researchers who have carried out their postdoctoral research (or research at least at the same level) abroad and return to Estonia to continue their research career. We support researchers who have been working abroad for at least two years.

The grant amount is:

40 000 €/per year (non-experimental projects, incl 8000€ overhead)

42 500 €/per year (experimental projects, incl 8500€ overhead)

Postdoctoral researchers and returning researchers can apply for additional 4000 euros (for project lasting less than 2 years) or 5500 euros (for projects lasting 2 years) for relocation allowance in the first year of the project in case they have not lived, studied or worked in Estonia within 180 days preceding the opening of the call for applications.

The salary fund and relocation allowance include any taxes laid down in Estonian legislation.

The grant period is 12-24 months.

The final recipients of the grants include R&D institutions, companies and higher education institutions. The grant is subject to an own contribution requirement of 5% by the host institution.

The call for applications will close on 31 January 2018 at 5 p.m EET.

The results of the call will be announced in June 2018 and the projects can start up to one year after the funding decision is made. The Mobilitas Pluss Programme is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Estonian government.




The Mobilitas Pluss programme aims to:

  • improve the international visibility of Estonian research, business and higher education and Estonia’s attractiveness as a destination country for study and research;
  • strengthen the international competitiveness of Estonian researchers and research performing organisations, including companies;
  • support opportunities for Estonian R&D institutions and companies to collaborate with transnational research organisations and networks, including through synergy with Horizon 2020 actions;
  • expand international collaboration and professional development opportunities for the state, R&D institutions, higher education institutions, companies, students and academic staff by improving intersectoral and international mobility and cooperation (opportunities).



Contacts in Estonian Research Council:

Tiina Loit-Oidsalu

Mobilitas Pluss Programme Consultant (Tallinn)

+372 731 7359


Oskar Otsus

Mobilitas Pluss Programme Manager

+372 731 7350

+372 5306 5302