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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers workshop in Tallinn


How to best attract talented researchers


Research and science are at the origin of an innovative country. Besides strategic research infrastructures and ecosystems of innovation, the human factor plays an ever growing role in the success. Therefore, the fight for best talents is open.

There is widespread consensus among European research policymakers: To attract the best and most creative minds in the establishment of nurturing environments in academic institutions will be key for the development of best capacities. A tailor-made Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (“HRS4R”) on institutional level is considered as the appropriate quality tool to realize these goals.



The European Commission and the Estonian Research Council are glad to invite Human Resources directors and managers of universities and other R&D institutions to the «How to best attract talented researchers» regional workshop.

Venue: TALLINK, Spa & Conference Hotel, Sadama 11a, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

Time:   13 June  2017, 9:00h –  16:30h

REGISTRATION is open until May 11-th – the draft programme is attached for your full information.

Transportation and accommodation will be covered by the organizers.


About the workshop:

The purpose of this regional workshop is to fully inform ‘newcomers’ (research performing institutions and research funders) on the principles of Charter and Code and their implementation in the research institution via a step-wise procedure called the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).

Successful implementation is awarded with the “HR Excellence in Research” logo award by the Commission Services, contributing to the reputation of the awarded institutions and giving high visibility on the international scale. More than 300 universities and research institutions across Europe are already implementing   these quality schemes towards excellence according the «HRS4R»-strategy.

The workshop exclusively addresses HR directors and HR and marketing managers in Research performing and Research funding institutions from the Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It also addresses high-level representatives of these countries' universities, research centres as well as beneficiaries and potential applicants of H2020 contracts/projects who need to comply with article 32 stipulating the (best effort) obligation to take measures to implement the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C & C) for the benefit of all researchers and their institution.

A newly introduced pension fund for researchers, the RESAVER scheme to be implemented in the countries, will be presented.


10 things you should know about HRS4R


  1. HRS4R is the acronym for the 'Human Resources Strategy for Researchers';
  2. HRS4R is a Strategy for Research Managers guiding the implementation of a coherent policy at your institution;
  3. HRS4R is fostering Career Development of Researchers, Open and Merit-based Recruitment, modern Doctoral Skills Trainings, improved Working Environments, Gender Mainstreaming, Researchers` Integrity Compliance etc.;
  4. The strategy is not a one-shot, but a continuous process of learning, developing and progressing along the lines of your institution's action plan;
  5. Success is achieved through full support of the institution's hierarchy;
  6. HRS4R is based on the 'Charter & Code' principles, a set of generally accepted rules, codes and conventions for researchers and their employer institutions;
  7. HRS4R is a key element in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career and to attract talented researchers to Europe;
  8. HRS4R is a 'MUST' for EU-funding in research according to article 32 of HORIZON 2020;
  9. Experienced HR Managers from Europe's leading research institutions drafted a peer review system and implementation guidelines, including an 'HR Excellence in Research' award on the way of moving from progress to quality;
  10. HRS4R is put into practice locally in public and private research institutions committed to strive for institutional changes.


Dr. Irmela BRACH

Senior Policy Officer

European Commission

DG Research & Innovation

Open Innovation and Open Science

Open Science and ERA Policy

+32 2 29 56677


