Compact overview articles about RD&I in Estonia published in EURAXESS Worldiwide newsletters. The Focus on Estonia piece was issued in the first quarterly neslwtters in 2017 in China, North-America, Japan, India and Latin America & Caribbean States newsletter. ASEAN has published the article on their portal as newsflash.
The Focus on Estonia article includes an overview of the Estonian R&D system, entrepreneurship and innovation, funding and recruitment opportunities and information for incoming researchers. For every Worldwide division a special paragraph about research collaboration with that country or region was included. Additionally, all the articles include an interview with a researcher from that country or region working currently in Estonia.
The article gives a compact overview about R&D system in Estonia for anyone interested in coming here and at the same time can be used by researchers already in Estonia for introducing Estonia to their collegues abroad.
Links to EURAXESS Worldwide newsletters including the Focus on Estonia article