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EURAXESS Estonia for Research Institutions





EURAXESS Estonia for Employers

There are 9 member institutions in the EURAXESS Estonia Network. Each member organisation has a contact person.

If your institution is not yet a member of the network, you are still welcome to use our services! Your contact would be in this case the Estonian Research Council on

Some information provided on this page may be available only in Estonian.



Estonian Academy of Sciences

Ms. Ülle Raud, or, +372 645 1925, Kohtu 6, 10130 Tallinn, View profile

Tallinn University of Technology

Ms. Anu Johannes,, tel +372 620 3578, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, View profile

Tallinn University

Ms. Merje Olm,, tel +372 640 9237, Narva mnt 25, 10120, View profile

Archimedes Foundation

Ms. Evelin Einla-Polluks,, tel +372 699 6499, Koidula 13A, Tallinn, View profile

Estonian Academy of Arts

Ms. Marika Kopõlova,, tel +372 626 7380, Estonia pst 7 / Teatri väljak 1 , 10143 Tallinn, View profile

Estonian Business School

Ms. Maarja Laos,, tel 372 665 1333, A. Lauteri 3, 10114, Tallinn





We are happy to announce news about our collaboration with the Work in Estonia initiative! A technical solution between the EURAXESS Estonia and the Work in Estonia portals is now fully functional. Job offers published by EURAXESS Estonia member organisations on the EURAXESS portal will be
In the context of the increasing labour shortage, it is good to know that Estonia provides comprehensive support in integrating to Estonian labour market to foreigners who are studying here or have obtained a higher education here. This mainly because the foreigners who have studied here have
(In Estonian below) Estonian Business School (EBS) is the tenth member of the Estonian National Network. Other members are the University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Archimedes Foundation, Estonian Academy of Arts, University



The European Charter & Code for Researchers (C&C) is composed of two documents:

  • the European Charter for Researchers and
  • the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The C&C is a collection of principles that describe rights and obligations of researchers, research performing and funding institutions.

Charter & Code

See also:

In Estonian: Vikipeedia - Euroopa teadlaste harta ja töölevõtmise juhend

In Estonian:Euroopa Liidu Teataja - KOMISJONI SOOVITUS, 11. märts 2005, Euroopa teadlaste harta ja teadlaste töölevõtmise juhendi kohta




HRS4R in Estonia

Encouragement to start

In early summer 2017 the European Commission in cooperation with the Estonian Research Council organised a regional information seminar on the HRS4R for the Baltic Countries. Read the thorough follow up article that will explain many questions in advance.

read article


See also:

In Estonian:

Vikipeedia - Inimvara arendamise strateegia teadlastele

Vikipeedia - Euroopa teadlaste harta ja töölevõtmise juhend

Euroopa Liidu Teataja - KOMISJONI SOOVITUS, 11. märts 2005, Euroopa teadlaste harta ja teadlaste töölevõtmise juhendi kohta

European Commission - Towards a European Framework for Research Careers (2011). Desctiprion of researchers' career stages R1-R4.