EURAXESS Estonia for Employers
There are 9 member institutions in the EURAXESS Estonia Network. Each member organisation has a contact person.
If your institution is not yet a member of the network, you are still welcome to use our services! Your contact would be in this case the Estonian Research Council on euraxess@etag.ee.
Some information provided on this page may be available only in Estonian.
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The EURAXESS Estonia Network invites trainers from Estonian civil services to inform administrative staff of research performing institutions about legislation, regulations and policyes regarding international employees.
The trainings will be listed in on our portal in the NEWS section under the FOR ESTONIAN NETWORK tab and also on the current subpage.
You are welcome to inform us of your needs for trainings!
If you have any questions, comments or ideas regarding these trainings, please contact EURAXESS Estonia network coordinator at the Estonian Research Council on euraxess@etag.ee.
The EURAXESS European Jobs & Funding database is designed specifically for researchers and for research performing institutions. Universities, smaller institututes, entreprises, businesses - find the best research talent from all over the world through EURAXESS!
If you have any questions about uploading job announcemnts on the portal you are welcome to contact the EURAXESS contact person of your institution or the EURAXESS Estonia coordinator at the Estonian Research Council on euraxess@etag.ee
Read also:
European Commission - Towards a European Framework for Research Careers (2011). Desctiprion of researchers' career stages R1-R4.
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is a tool for institutions to help them implement the priniciples of the C&C in their policies and practicies.
EURAXESS Estonia and the Estonian Research Council will support all Estonian research institutions on starting with the HRS4R and implementing the C&C. Contact us in case of questions or need for information materials on euraxess@etag.ee
See also:
In Estonian: Vikipeedia - Inimvara arendamise strateegia teadlastele
The European Charter & Code for Researchers (C&C) is composed of two documents:
- the European Charter for Researchers and
- the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The C&C is a collection of principles that describe rights and obligations of researchers, research performing and funding institutions.
See also:
In Estonian: Vikipeedia - Euroopa teadlaste harta ja töölevõtmise juhend
In Estonian:Euroopa Liidu Teataja - KOMISJONI SOOVITUS, 11. märts 2005, Euroopa teadlaste harta ja teadlaste töölevõtmise juhendi kohta
Have a look at some relevant EU policy papers, reports, facts and figures on researchers and the European Research Area (ERA).
Find Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers (OTM-R) documents here.
This measure by the European Commission will enable a match-making process between refugees and asylum seekers with an academic background and research institutions that voluntarily declare themselves as "refugee-welcoming organisations".
There are several Career Development tools developed specifically for researchers by the EURAXESS European community. These all free of charge and you are welcome to use them! For more information see the CAREER DEVELOPMENT menu on the portal.
No Limits self assessment tool for researchers
The No Limits is a self assessment tool developed specifically for researchers to help them plan their career path as a researcher. The tool is an outcome of the PIPERS Project.
REFLEX App for researchers, institutions and administrators
The REFLEX Researcher Career Development Scheme Application (The REFLEX App) is the online application developed to help the research institutions, researchers and professionals assisting researchers to facilitate the process of researchers’ career development. The app is an outcome of the REFLEX Project.
Survey results in Estonia
The Estonian Research Council ordered a survey about research careers in Estonia. Here is the final report of the surve called "Jätkusuutlikud teadlaskarjääri kontseptsioonid ja mudelid Eesti kontekstis (Sustainable concepts and models of research career in Estonian context (free translation))". Results were published in 2018.
See also:
In Estonian:
Vikipeedia - Inimvara arendamise strateegia teadlastele
Vikipeedia - Euroopa teadlaste harta ja töölevõtmise juhend
Euroopa Liidu Teataja - KOMISJONI SOOVITUS, 11. märts 2005, Euroopa teadlaste harta ja teadlaste töölevõtmise juhendi kohta
European Commission - Towards a European Framework for Research Careers (2011). Desctiprion of researchers' career stages R1-R4.